Queen’s Platinum Jubilee week-end, 3rd-5th June, latest updates

6th May 2022

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Week-end 3rd-5th June.

  Arts, Crafts and Flower Festival at St Aidan’s.

Come along and enjoy the creations around the theme of Queen Elizabeth’s 70 year reign,                                                  with free souvenir booklets. Work from children at Fairways Primary School, Rascals Day Nursery, Cubs and Brownies and Guides is featured and displayed. Also plant stall, jewellery stall, raffle for some of the flower arrangements.

Church and Hall will be open:

Friday 3rd 10am – 4pm with refreshments,

Saturday 4th 10am – 4pm with Afternoon Tea served from 12 noon.

Sunday 5th 10am Special All-age Parade service celebrating the Queen’s 70 year reign.

Festival open 12 noon – 3pm with refreshments.

6pm Holy Communion with choir.