Christmas 2021 at St Aidan’s

3rd December 2021

Christmas Services/events coming up:

 Sunday 5th December 4.30pm Christingle Service, with collection for The Children’s Society.

Friday 10th December 8pm BASOP Concert in church. (Tickets £8/£4 from Elaine or Derek 208747)

Sunday 12th December 3.30pm,  Messy Church ‘Christmas’ in church.

Carol Service Sunday 19th December 6pm, with choir items, readings and carols.

Christmas Eve: 4.30pm Crib service, fun for all the family;  11.30pm Christmas Communion.

Christmas Day:  10am Christmas Communion.

(There will be no services on Sunday 26th  or Wednesday 29th December.)

 Sunday 2nd January 10am Holy Communion with our new Text for 2022