Church Groups and Activities

Messy Church
After the Coronavirus restrictions we are resuming on an occasional basis. Messy Church sessions are planned for Christmas and Easter and possibly other times in the year. Each session is around a theme from the Bible, and includes time to sing, pray and enjoy each others company. For children and their parents/carers.
Jackie Eastland 07948540652 or Diane Gray 529498

Gentle Armchair Exercises
Every Wednesday 2pm (except 3rd Wednesdays) in the Hall.
An opportunity for some gentle exercise in good company, with time to have a cup of tea/coffee, biscuits, and a chat.
Gina Mabbatt 01702 521539

St Aidan’s Centre 

 Drop in for a friendly chat and refreshments. Fridays 10am – 12 noon, in the Hall.   

 Elaine Brooks 01702 208747

Mothers’ Union
For details please contact
Jackie Eastland 07948540652

For 18th Leigh Brownies, 18th Leigh Guides, 11th Leigh (St Aidan’s) Cubs, 1st/2nd Eastwood Scouts, 1st/2nd Eastwood Beavers, please see info on the Uniformed Organisations page. 

Other Groups and Activities

Contact Details

Vicar: Revd. Carolyn Madanat 07925 941249

Reader:                              Peter Main (01702 559189)


Mrs Freda Hand (01702 521607)

Mrs Jackie Eastland (07948540652)

Deputy Churchwardens:
Mrs Diane Gray 01702 529498
Mr Rob Symonds 01268 779122

PCC Secretary:
Sue Cockett –

PCC Treasurer:
Gary Cockett –

Church Hall – Bookings Secretary:
Mr Kevin Barber

Safeguarding Officer:
Mrs Elaine Brooks 01702 208747