Children and Young People

There are always children’s books, puzzles etc available in Church at all our Services.

The All-age Services on special occasions such as Harvest, Remembrance Sunday, Christingle, Mothering Sunday, at 10am are more informal times together, suitable for all-ages, and all are welcome.

When we have Baptisms (Christenings), these are usually conducted in a separate service. Five times a year our Guides, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts attend for a Parade service.

If you might like to join the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies or Guides, please have a look at the contacts on our Uniformed Organisations page.

Messy Church now takes place on an occasional basis on a Sunday afternoon at 3.30pm in church.

Messy Church is for families of all sorts, children and parents/carers together.

We have lots of crafts, song, prayer, around a Bible story.

A simple, enjoyable way for adults and children to spend quality time together as we learn about our faith.